Hispanic Authors/Autores hispanos

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Allende, Isabel

Violeta viene al mundo un tormentoso día de 1920, siendo la primera niña de una familia de cinco bulliciosos hermanos. Desde el principio su vida estará marcada por acontecimientos extraordinarios, pues todavía se sienten las ondas expansivas de la Gran Guerra cuando la gripe española llega a las orillas de su país sudamericano natal, casi en el momento exacto de su nacimiento. Gracias a la clarividencia del padre, la familia saldrá indemne de esta crisis para darse de bruces con una nueva, cuando la Gran Depresión altera la elegante vida urbana que Violeta ha conocido hasta ahora. Su familia lo perderá todo y se verá obligada a retirarse a una región salvaje y remota del país. Allí Violeta alcanzará la mayoría de edad y tendrá su primer pretendiente... En una carta dirigida a una persona a la que ama por encima de todas las demás, Violeta rememora devastadores desengaños amorosos y romances apasionados, momentos de pobreza y también de prosperidad, pérdidas terribles e inmensas alegrías. Moldearán su vida algunos de los grandes sucesos de la historia: la lucha por los derechos de la mujer, el auge y caída de tiranos y, en última instancia, no una, sino dos pandemias.

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Allende, Isabel

Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first girl in a family with five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events, for the ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth. Through her father's prescience, the family will come through that crisis unscathed, only to face a new one as the Great Depression transforms the genteel city life she has known. Her family loses everything and is forced to retreat to a wild and beautiful but remote part of the country. There, she will come of age, and her first suitor will come calling. She tells her story in the form of a letter to someone she loves above all others, recounting times of devastating heartbreak and passionate affairs, poverty and wealth, terrible loss and immense joy. Her life is shaped by some of the most important events of history: the fight for women's rights, the rise and fall of tyrants, and ultimately not one, but two pandemics. Through the eyes of a woman whose unforgettable passion, determination, and sense of humor carry her through a lifetime of upheaval, Isabel Allende once more brings us an epic that is both fiercely inspiring and deeply emotional.

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Álvarez, Noé

Growing up in Yakima, Washington, Noé Álvarez worked at an apple-packing plant alongside his mother, who "slouched over a conveyor belt of fruit, shoulder to shoulder with mothers conditioned to believe this was all they could do with their lives." A university scholarship offered escape, but as a first-generation Latino college-goer, Álvarez struggled to fit in. At nineteen, he learned about a Native American/First Nations movement called the Peace and Dignity Journeys, epic marathons meant to renew cultural connections across North America. He dropped out of school and joined a group of Dené, Secwépemc, Gitxsan, Dakelh, Apache, Tohono O'odham, Seri, Purépecha, and Maya runners, all fleeing difficult beginnings. Telling their stories alongside his own, Álvarez writes about a four-month-long journey from Canada to Guatemala that pushed him to his limits. He writes not only of overcoming hunger, thirst, and fear--dangers included stone-throwing motorists and a mountain lion--but also of asserting Indigenous and working-class humanity in a capitalist society where oil extraction, deforestation, and substance abuse wreck communities. Running through mountains, deserts, and cities, and through the Mexican territory his parents left behind, Álvarez forges a new relationship with the land, and with the act of running, carrying with him the knowledge of his parents' migration, and--against all odds in a society that exploits his body and rejects his spirit--the dream of a liberated future.

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Armas, Elena

Catalina Martin desperately needs a date to her sister's wedding. Especially since her little white lie about her American boyfriend has spiralled out of control. Now everyone she knows--including her ex and his fiancée--will be there and eager to meet him. She only has four weeks to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic and aid in her deception. New York to Spain is no short flight and her raucous family won't be easy to fool. Enter Aaron Blackford--her tall, handsome, condescending colleague--who surprisingly offers to step in. She'd rather refuse; never has there been a more aggravating, blood-boiling, and insufferable man. But Catalina is desperate, and as the wedding draws nearer, Aaron looks like her best opion. And she begins to realize he might not be as terrible in the real world as he is at the office.

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Brammer, John Paul

The popular LGBTQ advice columnist and writer presents a memoir-in-essays chronicling his journey growing up as a queer, mixed-race kid in America's heartland to becoming the "Chicano Carrie Bradshaw" of his generation.

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Cañas, Isabel

In the overthrow of the Mexican government, Beatriz's father is executed and her home destroyed. When handsome Don Rodolfo Solórzano proposes, Beatriz ignores the rumors surrounding his first wife's sudden demise, choosing instead to seize the security his estate in the countryside provides. She will have her own home again, no matter the cost. But Hacienda San Isidro is not the sanctuary she imagined. When Rodolfo returns to work in the capital, visions and voices invade Beatriz's sleep. The weight of invisible eyes follows her every move. Rodolfo's sister, Juana, scoffs at Beatriz's fears-but why does she refuse to enter the house at night? Why does the cook burn copal incense at the edge of the kitchen and mark its doorway with strange symbols? What really happened to the first Doña Solórzano? Beatriz only knows two things for certain. Something is wrong with the hacienda. And no one there will help her. Desperate for help, she clings to the young priest, Padre Andrés, as an ally. No ordinary priest, it will take Andrés's skills as a witch to battle the malevolent presence haunting the hacienda. Far from a refuge, San Isidro may be Beatriz's doom.

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El libro más ambicioso y comprometido de El Chojin, una de las voces urbanas más populares de nuestro país. Una historia impactante que conjuga el amor tóxico y los prejuicios raciales en el Madrid actual. Una novela narrada a dos tintas, dos voces que muestran visiones diferentes del mundo, porque la realidad depende de los ojos de quien la mira y a veces viene determinada también por el color de la piel.

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Cisneros, Sandra

Paris has long been romanticized as the city of light. A city with a vibrant literary and artistic expatriate community. Corina--nicknamed Puffina--is a young writer hoping to find that idealized community, but when her money runs out sooner than expected, she finds a network of artists simply trying to find work, make rent, and make Paris home. Years later, when a letter from her friend Martita resurfaces, Corina finds herself older and with enough distance to articulate her time in Paris. While Paris did not bring her the affirmation she was looking for as a writer, Corina finds an emotional connection to her friend that transcends space and time and demonstrates that we are most honest in our writing.

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Coelho, Paulo

Tetsuya es el mejor arquero del país, pero vive retirado en un valle remoto y trabaja de humilde carpintero. Un día, otro arquero que viene de lejos le desafía. Tetsuya acepta el reto y le demuestra al extranjero que para vencer, tanto con el arco como en la vida, no basta la habilidad técnica. Un joven del pueblo le pide que le transmita su saber. El maestro le advierte que puede enseñarle las reglas necesarias, pero es él quien deberá trabajar sobre sí mismo. Es así como Tetsuya empieza a instruir a su nuevo discípulo en el misterioso camino del arquero, el recorrido de toda una vida.

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Coelho, Paulo

Tetsuya was once famous for his prodigious gift with a bow and arrow. He has retired from public life when a boy comes searching for him. The boy has many questions, and in answering them Tetsuya illustrates the way of the bow and the tenets of a meaningful life.

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Cortez, Jaime

His first-ever collection of stories, Jaime Cortez's Gordo is set in a migrant workers camp near Watsonville, California, in the 1970s. A young boy named Gordo fights back tears underneath a wrestler's mask as he is forced to fight other boys and grow into his father's expectations of manhood. As he comes of age, Gordo learns about sex, poverty, and discovers the wrenching divides between documented and undocumented immigrants. Fat Cookie, high schooler and resident artist, uses tiny library pencils to draw murals of graffiti flowers along the camp's blank walls, the words CHICANO POWER boldly lettered across, before she runs away from home one day with her mother's boyfriend. Los Tigres, the perfect pair of twins who show up to Gyrich Farms every season without fail, are champion drinkers until one of them is rushed to the emergency room after a brawl, bloody and slumped in a tattered easy chair on the back of a pick-up truck. These scenes from Steinbeck Country seen so intimately from within are full of humor, family drama, and a sweet frankness about serious matters-who belongs to America and how are they treated? Written with balance and poise, Cortez braids together elegantly tragicomic and inviting stories about life on a California camp, in essence redefining what all-American means.

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Cruz, Angie

El último día de 1964, la quinceañera Ana Canción se casa con Juan Ruiz, un hombre veinte años mayor que ella, en el campo dominicano. Al día siguiente se vuelve Ana Ruiz, una esposa confinada a un apartamento de un cuarto en Washington Heights. Juan la engaña, abusa y controla, hasta le prohíbe aprender inglés. Después de un intento fallido de fuga, Ana se entera de que está embarazada. Su madre y su esposo comparan su embarazo a ganar la lotería, su niña tendrá ciudadanía estadounidense. Juan vuelve a la República Dominicana cuando la guerra civil comienza, dejando a César, su hermano, cuidando a Ana. Durante ese descanso del confinamiento ella se enamora genuinamente, lo cual despierta su voluntad de pelear por independizarse de su abusador y por su derecho de permanecer en su patria adoptiva. Un retrato atemporal de feminidad y ciudadanía, que sigue vigente en esta época de migración forzada.

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Cruz, Angie

Fifteen-year-old Ana Canción never dreamed of moving to America, the way the girls she grew up with in the Dominican countryside did. But when Juan Ruiz proposes and promises to take her to New York City, she has to say yes. Their marriage is an opportunity for her entire close-knit family to eventually immigrate. So on New Year's Day, 1965, Ana leaves behind everything she knows and becomes Ana Ruiz, a wife confined to a cold six-floor walk-up in Washington Heights. Lonely and miserable, Ana hatches a reckless plan to escape. But at the bus terminal, she is stopped by César, Juan's free-spirited younger brother, who convinces her to stay. As the Dominican Republic slides into political turmoil, Juan returns to protect his family's assets, leaving César to take care of Ana. Suddenly, Ana is free to take English lessons at a local church, lie on the beach at Coney Island, see a movie at Radio City Music Hall, go dancing with César, and imagine the possibility of a different kind of life in America. When Juan returns, Ana must decide once again between her heart and her duty to her family.

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Daria, Alexis

After burning out in her corporate marketing career, Michelle Amato has built a thriving freelance business as a graphic designer. So what if her love life is nonexistent? She's perfectly fine being the black sheep of her marriage-obsessed Puerto Rican-Italian family. Besides, the only guy who ever made her want happily-ever-after disappeared thirteen years ago. Gabriel Aguilar left the Bronx at eighteen to escape his parents' demanding expectations, but it also meant saying goodbye to Michelle, his best friend and longtime crush. Now, he's the successful co-owner of LA's hottest celebrity gym, with an investor who insists on opening a New York City location. It's the last place Gabe wants to go, but when Michelle is unexpectedly brought on board to spearhead the new marketing campaign, everything Gabe's been running from catches up with him. Michelle is torn between holding Gabe at arm's length or picking up right where they left off--in her bed. As they work on the campaign, old feelings resurface, and their reunion takes a sexy turn. Facing mounting pressure from their families--who think they're dating--and growing uncertainty about their futures, can they resolve their past mistakes, or is it only a matter of time before Gabe says adiós again?

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Díaz, Hernán

In glamorous 1920s New York City, two characters of sophisticated taste come together. One is a legendary Wall Street tycoon; the other, the brilliant daughter of penniless aristocrats. Steeped in affluence and grandeur, their marriage excites gossip and allows a continued ascent -- all at a moment when the country is undergoing a great transformation. This is the story at the center of Harold Vanner's novel Bonds, which everyone in 1938 New York seems to have read. But it isn't the only version. Provocative, propulsive, and repeatedly surprising, Hernan Diaz's TRUST puts the story of these characters into conversation with the "the truth"- and in tension with the life and perspective of an outsider immersed in the mystery of a competing account. The result is an overarching novel that becomes more exhilarating and profound with each new layer and revelation, engaging the reader in a treasure hunt for the truth that confronts the reality-warping gravitational pull of money, and how power often manipulates facts.

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Díaz, Hernán M.

Håkan Söderström, conocido como "el Halcón", un joven inmigrante sueco que llega a California en plena Fiebre del Oro, emprende una peregrinación imposible en dirección a Nueva York, sin hablar el idioma, en busca de su hermano Linus, a quien perdió cuando embarcaron en Europa. En su extraño viaje, Håkan se topará con un buscador de oro irlandés demente y con una mujer sin dientes que lo viste con un abrigo de terciopelo y zapatos con hebilla. Conocerá a un naturalista visionario y se hará con un caballo llamado Pingo. Será perseguido por un sheriff sádico y por un par de soldados depredadores de la guerra civil. Atrapará animales y buscará comida en el desierto, y finalmente se convertirá en un proscrito. Acabará retirándose a las montañas para subsistir durante años como trampero, en medio de la naturaleza indómita, sin ver a nadie ni hablar, en una suerte de destrucción planeada que es, al mismo tiempo, un renacimiento. Pero su mito crecerá y sus supuestas hazañas lo convertirán en una leyenda.

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Fajardo-Anstine, Kali

El mundo latino de Denver sirve de telón de fondo a una prosa contenida que retrata la pérdida, la necesidad de identificación, el mantenimiento de las tradiciones y la voluntad de sobreponerse a unas circunstancias desfavorables. Las protagonistas de los once relatos reunidos en este libro componen un mosaico con el denominador común de la ausencia y el desarraigo en una sociedad estadounidense radicalmente mestiza, marcada por la violencia estructural y la descomposición de la familia, pero también por la sororidad y el vínculo con las generaciones anteriores.

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García Márquez, Gabriel

Una colección excepcional que reúne todos los cuentos de Gabriel García Márquez, ganador del Premio Nobel. El lector encontrará los primeros relatos que García Márquez publicó en Ojos de perro azul, incluyendo el "Monólogo de Isabel viendo llover en Macondo", primera referencia al lugar imaginario que se convertiría en el espacio literario más reconocido de nuestro tiempo tras la publicación de Cien años de soledad. A partir de entonces siguieron una serie de historias que muestran a García Márquez en total control de su talento narrativo: Los funerales de la Mamá Grande, donde se cuenta el majestuoso funeral de la auténtica soberana de Macondo, y La increíble y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y su abuela desalmada. Finalmente, se incluye la última colección de relatos que publicó, Doce cuentos peregrinos, donde el autor lleva a los lectores a Europa para contarnos historias del destino de latinoamericanos emigrados, de su melancolía y su tenacidad. Son cuarenta y un relatos imprescindibles que recorren la trayectoria del autor de Cien años de soledad y que constituyen un impresionante legado para la literatura universal.

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García, Rodrigo

La crónica íntima de los últimos días de un genio. En marzo de 2014, Gabriel García Márquez, probablemente el escritor más querido en lengua española del siglo XX, ya anciano y enfermo, cayó resfriado. De esta no salimos , le dijo Mercedes Barcha, su esposa desde hacía más de cincuenta años, a Rodrigo, el hijo de ambos. Estas páginas son la crónica más íntima y honesta de los últimos días de un genio, escrita con la asombrosa precisión y la distancia justa de un testigo de excepción: el propio Rodrigo. Así vemos el lado más humano de un personaje universal y de la mujer en la que se fijó cuando era una niña de nueve años, que le acompañó toda la vida y que apenas le sobrevivió unos años. Este relato, entreverado de recuerdos de una vida irrepetible, es la más hermosa despedida al hijo del telegrafista y su esposa.

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Grande, Reyna

A Long Petal of the Sea meets Luis Alberto Urrea's The House of Broken Angels in this epic historical romance about a Mexican woman and an Irish-American soldier who fall in love in the thick of the Mexican-American War.

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Hernandez Castillo, Marcelo

With beauty, grace, and honesty, Castillo recounts his and his family's encounters with a system that treats them as criminals for seeking safe, ordinary lives. He writes of the Sunday afternoon when he opened the door to an ICE officer who had one hand on his holster, of the hours he spent making a fake social security card so that he could work to support his family, of his fathers deportation and the decade that he spent waiting to return to his wife and children only to be denied reentry.

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Higuera, Donna Barba

A girl named Petra Pena, who wanted nothing more than to be a storyteller, like her abuelita. But Petra's world is ending. Earth has been destroyed by a comet, and only a few hundred scientists and their children - among them Petra and her family - have been chosen to journey to a new planet. They are the ones who must carry on the human race. Hundreds of years later, Petra wakes to this new planet - and the discovery that she is the only person who remembers Earth. A sinister Collective has taken over the ship during its journey, bent on erasing the sins of humanity's past. They have systematically purged the memories of all aboard - or purged them altogether. Petra alone now carries the stories of our past, and with them, any hope for our future. Can she make them live again?

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Natera, Cleyvis

The Guerreros have lived in Nothar Park, a predominantly Dominican part of the city, for over twenty years. When the crash of a wrecking ball signals the demolition of an old neighboring tenement, Eusebia, an elder of the community, quietly devises an increasingly dangerous series of schemes to stop construction of the luxury condos that will take their place. Meanwhile Eusebia's daughter, Luz, a rising associate at a top Manhattan law firm, strives to live the bougie lifestyle her parents worked hard to give her. While her father, Vladimir, secretly designs their retirement home in the Dominican Republic and Eusebia begins masterminding a neighborhood crime ring to save their homes, Luz is wholly distracted with a sweltering romance with the white, handsome developer of the company her mother so vehemently opposes. And when mother and daughter collide, at odds on what it means to save their community, tensions ramp up in Nothar Park, and build toward a near fatal climax.

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Quade, Kirstin Valdez

It's Holy Week in the small town of Las Penas, New Mexico, and thirty-three-year-old unemployed Amadeo Padilla has been given the part of Jesus in the Good Friday procession. He is preparing feverishly for this role when his fifteen-year-old daughter Angel shows up pregnant on his doorstep and disrupts his plans. Their reunion sets her own life down a startling path. Vivid, tender, darkly funny, and beautifully rendered, The Five Wounds spans the baby's first year as five generations of the Padilla family converge: Amadeo's mother, Yolanda, reeling from a recent discovery; Angel's mother, whom Angel isn't speaking to; and disapproving Tio Tive, keeper of the family's history. In the absorbing, realist tradition of Elizabeth Strout and Jonathan Franzen, Kirstin Valdez Quade conjures characters that will linger long after the final page, bringing to life their struggles to parent children they may not be equipped to save.

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Ramos, Manuel

Felon turned private eye Gus Corral isn't doing too well after getting whacked in the head with a baseball bat following his last big case. He was unconscious for a couple of days and still can't see right. Plagued by headaches, there are days he can't think straight. Tired, sore and disoriented, he takes his sister's advice to get out of Denver and help their cousins in Eastern Colorado. George Montoya's son, Matías or Mat, has run off again. The seventeen-year-old has run away before, but he always came back. This time, his dad and Aunt Essie know there's something wrong. As Gus begins to talk to the boy's family and friends, a picture emerges of a smart kid with strong opinions who fought a lot with his dad. Did he run away because of his father? Or did he leave because his girlfriend broke up with him? Her father, the town doctor, definitely didn't want his daughter dating a Mexican American. But when Gus tracks the missing boy to a shelter for runaways in Pueblo, the ailing investigator discovers something much more sinister. The boy was helping victims of human trafficking. Could the criminals have caught on to him? All too soon, men with guns are threatening Gus, warning him to get out of town, or else! Acclaimed writer Manuel Ramos' fourth novel featuring Gus Corral's unique and weary voice once again combines a complex and moody mystery with issues of identity, family and responsibility, to oneself and others.

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Ramos, Paola

Los jóvenes latinos en los Estados Unidos están redefiniendo su identidad, rompiendo moldes establecidos, y despertando políticamente de maneras sorprendentes y poderosas. Muchos de ellos--afrolatinos, indígenas, musulmanes, queer e indocumentados tanto en zonas urbanas como rurales--representan voces históricamente ignoradas en el modo en que la diversa población de casi seis millones de latinos en los Estados Unidos ha sido representada. Hasta ahora. En esta inspiradora crónica de viaje de costa a costa, la periodista y activista Paola Ramos emprende una búsqueda de los individuos y comunidades que dan vida a un nuevo movimiento que esta definiendo el término controversial "Latinx". Ramos nos presenta a un grupo de indígenas originarios de Oaxaca que ha reinventado la calle mayor de un pueblo industrial en el estado de Nueva York, a las "Las Poderosas", que luchan por los derechos reproductivos en Texas, a unos músicos en Milwaukee que con sus ritmos confortan a otros sobre sus raíces... A lo largo de este viaje encontraremos también a activistas ambientales, trabajadores de campo, drag queens, e inmigrantes detenidos en la frontera. A partir de su trabajo periodístico sobre el terreno, así como de su historia personal, Ramos ilustra como el término "Latinx" ha dado paso a un sentimiento de pertenencia y solidaridad sin precedentes entre los latinos de este país.

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Rosas, Alejandro

 En 2021, Checo Pérez hizo historia: se convirtió en el segundo piloto mexicano en ganar dos Grandes Premios de F1 y el primero en participar en más de 200 carreras de la máxima categoría. Nunca te rindas es el relato de su extraordinario recorrido en las pistas: el niño que desde antes de los 12 años era uno con el volante; el piloto que en las calles de Mónaco burló a la muerte; el corredor que, a pesar de la traición de su equipo, nos entregó la mejor temporada de su vida y demostró que merecía su lugar en una escudería digna de un campeonato mundial. Escrito por Alejandro Rosas, reconocido divulgador de la historia, y Francisco Javier González, uno de los periodistas deportivos de mayor renombre en el país, este es el recuento de una leyenda viva: un deportista que nunca se ha dado por vencido y lo ha entregado todo para convertirse en triunfador.

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Sacheri, Eduardo A.

--Me gusta tu idea, Benítez. --¿Cuál idea, profe? --Esa: que jugar es como entender el funcionamiento general del mundo. El viaje a las Cataratas del Iguazú de Federico Benítez y sus hijos ya está arreglado, pero una llamada de último momento altera los planes: una deuda de gratitud, vieja e impostergable, lo obliga a cambiar de rumbo y encaminarse, con esos dos disgustados adolescentes a la rastra, hacia la lejana Patagonia. En cuatro días de viaje este hombre ensimismado y torpe les contará a los jóvenes una historia oculta que es la suya, la suya y la de su desangelada adolescencia, la suya y la del Primer Torneo Interdivisional de Fútbol del Colegio Nacional Normal Superior Arturo Del Manso, jugado en 1983. Y ese torneo de fútbol, con sus arbitrariedades, con sus trampas, con sus mezquindades pero también con sus grandezas, con sus luces y con sus sombras, será para este muchacho de quince años un laboratorio de la vida, del que saldrá transformado. Bajo la forma de un relato de viaje, de una novela de iniciación, Eduardo Sacheri nos atrapa en una historia emocionante sobre los vínculos humanos y nos muestra cómo en el inmenso friso del poder puede recortarse de pronto una figura generosa capaz de cambiar el curso de una vida.

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Tobar, Héctor

In The Last Great Road Bum, Héctor Tobar turns the peripatetic true story of a naive son of Urbana, Illinois who died fighting with guerillas in El Salvador into the great American novel for our times.

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Trejo, Danny

Por primera vez, la historia real completa, fascinante e inspiradora del viaje de Danny Trejo desde el crimen, la prisión, la adicción y la pérdida hasta la fama inesperada como el malo favorito de Hollywood con un corazón de oro.

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Trejo, Danny

For the first time, the full, fascinating, and inspirational true story of Danny Trejo's journey from crime, prison, addiction, and loss to unexpected fame as Hollywood's favorite bad guy with a heart of gold.

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Villoro, Juan

Horizontal Vertigo: the title refers to the fear of ever-impending earthquakes, which led Mexicans to build their capital city outward rather than upward. With the perspicacity of a keenly observant flâneur, Villoro wanders through the city seemingly without a plan, describing people, places, and things, while brilliantly drawing connections among them, the better to reveal, in all its multitudinous glory, the vicissitudes and triumphs of Mexico City's cultural, political, and social history: from indigenous antiquity to the Aztec period, from the Spanish conquest to Mexico City today, one of the world's leading cultural and financial centers. In his deeply iconoclastic book, Villoro organizes his text around a recurring series of chapter titles: "Living in the City," "City Characters," "Shocks, Crossings, and Ceremonies." 

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