Maps & Geography


Denver Public Library Map Collection
Located at Central Library, this collection of approximately 20,000 map sheets covers the western United States, from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Strengths include Denver and Colorado, railroad and road development, exploration, and mining history.  The highly specialized genealogy collection of several thousand maps and family trees covers the globe, with some emphasis on the United States and Europe.

Denver Maps
Interactive maps from DenverGov including property, parks and government maps.

Regional Transportation District (RTD)
Lists bus routes, schedules, fares, special rides and general RTD information.


Colorado Maps
Provides maps of Colorado's cities and regions, activities, roads, and scenic byways. From the Colorado Tourism Office.

Colorado State Parks
Click on any park to view activities, amenities and directions.

Economics & Demographics of Colorado
The State Demography Office provides population estimates and forecasts for Colorado’s regions, counties, and municipalities developed by the State Demography Office and the U.S. Census Bureau.

Colorado State Land Board
The State Land Board Geographic Information System (GIS) catalogs all state-owned surface and mineral ownership records, leases and other special management areas.

United States

Blank & Outline Maps
Printable for educational or personal use.

PADUS: Protected Areas Database of the United States
View national parks, national forests, BLM lands, and other federally protected lands at a glance. View state public lands, and large private protected lands. Click on "Public Access" to see which areas are open to the public.

USGS Mapview
Provides access to more than 100,000 geologic maps and other types of geoscience reports and data published from the early 1800s to the present day, by the USGS, the State Geological Surveys, and hundreds of other organizations.

An interactive USGS map viewer that lets you find and download USGS topographic maps, including the Historical Topo Map Collection created between 1884 and 2006, and the US topographical collection of digital maps produced starting 2009. Maps can be downloaded as pdfs, jpegs, and more.

Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections
A directory of map collections, big and small, across the United States. This initiative is a project of the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) of the American Library Association.


Map Collections from the Library of Congress
American maps in categories such as Military Battles, Exploration, Conservation and more.

The National Map: Historical Topographic Map Collection
Historical maps are snapshots of the nation's physical and cultural features at a particular time. Maps of the same area can show how an area looked before development and provide a detailed view of changes over time.


The World Factbook
In addition to maps this site also provides information on government, history, economy, and geography for countries of the world. From The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

David Rumsey Map Collection
The historical map collection has over 93,000 maps and related images online. The collection includes rare 16th through 21st-century maps of America, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Pacific, Arctic, Antarctic, and the World.

Earth and Moon Viewer
View the Earth from above any location at this moment.

United Nations Maps
General, peacekeeping and thematic maps and links.

U.S. and World Population Clock
Population estimates produced by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest.


National Weather Service
Find radar and satellite images, forecasts and information.