AdultProgram Description
Event Details
This unique lecture series transforms our library into a classroom and all of us into students as professors from the University of Denver lead us on an exploration of "hope." Each month, a different professor will explore hope through the lens of their work and scholarship. You will have the opportunity to learn about their ideas and perspectives, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Together, we will develop new understandings of hope it in this complicated and challenging world.
January 17, 2024
3-4 PM
Hope for Racial Equity: Building Racially Just Workplaces
Reginald Byron, PhD
U.S. employers have struggled with how to be racially inclusive for decades. Indeed, after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, there was a concerted effort to reverse the patterns of racial segregation in employment that were commonplace in the years before. But how far have we come? This talk will briefly introduce the audience to the status of contemporary racial inequality in the workplace before discussing cutting edge best practices toward greater racial equity at work. Join us to also discuss what individuals themselves can do to foster greater racial inclusivity in their own workplaces.