Saturday Matinee: Walter Chaw and Guillermo del Toro Talk The Spirit of the Beehive, 1973

Program Type:

Movies, Older Adults


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Program Description

Event Details

" equate Franco and Frankenstein as twin masters of horror is too crude. By focusing not on national conflict but on domestic distress, what one reviewer called "the war behind the window," Erice gives a much more subtle and moving take on the historical trauma suffered by Spain in the twentieth century." - Paul Julian Smith.

Join film critic Walter Chaw and filmmaker, author and actor Guillermo del Toro (dir. Pan's Labyrinth, dir. Pacific Rim, dir. The Shape of Water) to talk about this film. The Spirit of the Beehive is available on DVD to DPL cardholders through Prospector, a combined catalog from other library collections near Denver. The film will not be shown at this online event, so please take the time to locate and view it prior to the discussion.

If you would like to attend this film discussion, please register here for the event and your login and password will be sent to you 30 minutes prior to the start. Film and book recommendations will be emailed after the event concludes.

To request ASL, CART, or other disability related accommodations, contact, 720-865-1111. Minimum notice: 5 business days

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