Catalog of the Colorado State Publications Library. Documents can be found at the Library. Many are available online.
Government, Patents & Trademarks
Find databases and legal sites with helpful information on government services, patents, and trademarks.
Colorado Revised Statutes
Search or browse the full-text of the Colorado Revised Statutes and Colorado Court Rules. Colorado Session Laws are available from the General Assembly (1993-current) and the University of Colorado Law Library (1861-1992).
Federal Government Publications
Catalog of U.S. government publications. Many link to full-text.
Government Research Directory (Gale)
Comprehensive source of information on research facilities and programs of the U.S. and Canadian federal governments. Listings include e-mail addresses, information on patents available for licensing and expanded coverage of key personal contact.
Discover U.S. Government Information at, which provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
Legal Information Source (Ebsco)
Full text of top consumer legal reference books, many from NOLO. Includes books on patents, copyright, trademarks, and nonprofits. Classic view | Support Documentation
LegalTrac (Gale)
Index to articles in major law reviews and journals, legal newspapers, and federal and state cases, laws and regulations.
Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (ProQuest)
The authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Includes population, housing, and business statistics.
Historical editions (1878-2012) available from the U.S. Census Bureau.