Student Research Appointment Services

Let Us Help You Succeed with Your Research Project!

Fill out the form to request an appointment

Student Research HelpThe expert librarians in Reference Services offer free, one-on-one student research appointments designed for middle school, high school and adult students working on a research project or paper. 

Make an appointment with a librarian a week in advance, and we'll spend up to an hour with you focusing on your individual research goals. We'll take you beyond Google and Wikipedia to help you locate the best materials for your project. Our resources include subscription databases, reference books, magazines, and Federal government documents. Please note that resources used in online chat appointments may be limited to subscription databases and other authoritative online sources.

Student Research HelpFill out the form to request an appointment. We’ll match you up with a librarian and find a time that’s mutually convenient.

Student Research Appointments are ideal for students working on National History Day projects.

Appointment Services at the Denver Public Library strives to provide access to the most current and appropriate resources available to our customers. This requires preparation time by our librarians, and in turn we ask that you:

Notify us if you need to cancel. Just call 720-865-1363 as soon as you know you can’t make it, and we’ll reschedule.

Be punctual. If you’re more than 15 minutes late, we may request that you reschedule your appointment.

Our mission is to help you learn effective strategies for locating information and resources to accomplish your research goals. We cannot help you write, edit, or proofread your document.

Fill out the form to request an appointment.

No time for an appointment? Request a customized research guide on your topic.

Need an appointment for small business research help? Sign up for a Bizboost appointment.