Databases A-Z

Stream adult Spanish movies, TV shows, and recorded live performances like operas, ballets and theater plays. Children's content includes podcasts, video games, and animation episodes. Great for Spanish language learners too. 

  • Instructions for logging in the first time, and for return visits. Instrucciones en español.
  • Works with: Windows PC, Mac, Tablets, iPhone/Android, or Chromecast device.
  • Unlimited access for TV shows and children's content, 8 tickets per month for movies and recorded live performances.
Available with library card

An online collection of animated, talking picture books for young kids to discover the joys of reading. Video Tutorial

Available with library card provides online, on-demand academic tutoring, homework help, and test preparation to kindergarten through 12th grade students, plus early college students, adult learners, and support for job seekers.

  • Connect with a highly qualified, expert English or Spanish speaking tutor in a safe and secure online classroom from 3pm - 10pm, 7 days a week (with four exceptions: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas).
  • offers expert writing help, test prep resources from The Princeton Review® for the ACT®/SAT®, Advanced Placement (AP®) course videos, help with a resume, and more. 
  • Access with your library card. An additional account with an email address is needed for services beyond a live tutoring session, and for the talk function in a tutoring session. If a child under 13 creates an additional account, they will be restricted to a text only tutoring session.
Available with library card