Read Aloud Booklists


The Read Aloud program visits more than 250 classrooms; that’s more than 5,000 children we read to every week!

The Read Aloud program booklists are designed to meet the developmental and academic needs of the diverse classrooms and students that we serve. These lists are oganized to show which books you’ll bring to the classroom each week. Additionally, you can use these lists to check which books are currently in the classroom or to organize the books if you read in multiple classrooms that receive different book sets. Books are sent to you a week before their scheduled reading date, and you will receive a notification when they are ready for pickup.

Considering children's developmental stages and attention spans, volunteers should read a maximum of two titles per session. It's a requirement to include movement and singing opportunities and to engage students in the reading by asking questions that connect with their interests and daily life experiences, as all research shows that is the most effective way to support young learners.

Tips and Activities for Read Aloud Books

Check out our tips and tricks for sharing any book in our collection with your class. For the latest additions, you can also have a look at our profile in Goodreads

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