Gonzales Movie Club: 'Don't Look Now' (1973)


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Program Description

Event Details

Join us every last Saturday for a movie, snacks, and a brief discussion.

This month: 'Don't Look Now' (1973)

Following the death of their young daughter, a grief stricken couple travel to Venice for work in hopes of restoring normalcy to their lives' recent upheaval. While there they meet a pair of strange sisters, one of whom, a blind woman, claims to be a medium to the afterlife. Unprompted, she informs the couple that she knows of their daughter's passing and has even seen visions of her, going so far as to claim she believes their daughter is trying to contact them from the beyond. John, the grieving father, immediately rejects these claims, until he starts to have his own sightings of his child's impossible specter.

The dizzying vertex where grief and reality meet, 'Don't Look Now' won't be easily forgotten. 


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