Library purchasing guidelines for authors

The Library routinely acquires books published by commercial publishers that fit the Library's selection criteria and priorities for selection. We also may acquire self-published books when they fit the scope of the Library's collection and meet our selection criteria. A positive review in one or more of the major review journals (such as Library Journal, School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, and/or Publisher's Weekly) is the best way to bring a title to our attention. We are more likely to consider the addition of a self-published book if it has been reviewed in a major review journal.

Due to staffing and time constraints we are not able to meet with individual authors. Unfortunately, we cannot accept review copies or notify you if your book is not selected because of the number of submissions we receive. If your book is selected for purchase it will be added to the catalog within two months.


You may also bring your book to our attention by:

Email the Collection Development Department at
please include:

  • Basic bibliographic information about your book (title, author, ISBN, publisher, date of publication, number of pages, price, distributor)
  • A link to your book's website and links to professional reviews or other coverage in the news media (if available)
  • A brief description of your book and its intended audience and information about how or where to buy it

Send a flier or promotional materials to:

Denver Public Library
Attn: Collection Development
10 W. 14th Ave. Pkwy.
Denver, CO 80204

Donating a Book
Donated books are subject to the same selection criteria as books the Library buys. Materials that are not selected will be sent to the Denver Public Library Friends Foundation for use in its semiannual book sales.