Acknowledgement of Harmful Descriptions in Library Practices As responsible stewards of library and archival materials, items in the Denver Public Library collection have been preserved in their original state and historical context. While we recognize the importance and impact these resources have in education, research, and historical record, Denver Public Library does not support nor condone the harmful social attitudes and circumstances of described works.
Collection Development Policy As responsible stewards of library and archival materials, items in the Denver Public Library collection have been preserved in their original state and historical context. We are determined to find ways to mitigate the use of harmful descriptions in our catalog metadata. We are conducting catalog audits to identify harmful content and developing protocols to update and correct subject headings used by the Library of Congress.
Computer & Internet Policy Internet resources are accessible to all customers. The Library's goal is to make the public computers at all DPL locations available to as many customers as possible.
Computers and Equipment List of equipment and services available at library locations.
Exhibits Policy Guidelines and Procedures Information and online form to request exhibition space at DPL. Please note that because of construction some locations, including the Central Library, have limited exhibit spaces.
Interlibrary Loan & Purchase Suggestion FAQs Learn more about requesting items through Interlibrary Loan or making purchase suggestions.
Library Card and Borrowing Policy Adopted by the Denver Public Library Commission, May 16, 2013.
Library Use Policy The goal of the Denver Public Library is to provide an enjoyable, clean and comfortable environment for all Library users.
Meeting Space Policy The Denver Public Library welcomes groups and organizations to reserve meeting space at Library facilities and requires customers to comply with Library meeting space policy and guidelines.
Photo & Video Policy Learn about the use of photography and video recording inside of library spaces and download photo release waivers as needed.
Privacy Policy At the Denver Public Library, we go the extra step to ensure that your records remain your business and no one else's.
Programming Policy Philosophy and guidelines as it pertains to programming at the Denver Public Library.
Recognition Policy This policy establishes the authority and practices related to public recognition of individuals, couples, families, organizations, and corporate entities associated with the Denver Public Library (Library) using signage displayed within a facility or surrounding grounds.
Safety Policy for Minors The Denver Public Library is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for families and children.
Special Revenue Fund Management Policy Handbook Policies are designed to protect and enhance the Denver Public Library’s financial functions, promote the maintenance of accurate records of financial activities, and facilitate compliance with government and private funding source reporting requirements.