Teen (ages 13 - 17)Program Description
Event Details
Welcome to the Perehelion Galaxy where a corporate autocrat is trying to gain access to the hidden nurseries belonging to sentient ships living in harmony with all spacefaring people. With a dangerous new kind of magic threatening the balance between nature and technology, it’s up to a small but determined group of adventurers to keep Autarch Galactic from turning the young spaceships into their own military fleet.
We’re playing with the new Spelljammer and Eberron modules! Players are currently at level 4, however if there is room for new players, you will start at whatever level the group is at. This will be a long running campaign with a consistent group of players.
There are currently 2 spots open in the campaign. To join, players need to meet with the DM virtually to go over character creation and rules. People new to D&D are welcome! Contact Ren at to join. This game is open to teens 13-18, you need to still be in school to play.
We also have two D&D games running on Tuesdays: Brave New World from 6-8 and Trouble on the Highseas from 4:30-6:30.