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Udemy: The Library's Powerful Continuous Learning Tool (Brenna's Story)

Udemy logo with woman using a laptop computerA significant body of research documents the positive relationship between college internship experiences and student preparation for career success. Dramatic shifts in employment and education are likely to take place in the coming decade. Gaining applicable professional experience provides an opportunity for students to enter the workforce both well-prepared and well-educated.
High school and college students can take advantage of the Library’s Udemy learning platform to better position themselves to land meaningful internships and turbocharge their resumes.
Brenna is a library customer and college student studying data science and statistics. They shared how they used the Udemy platform to prepare for the internship application process and interview successfully.
Brenna, what courses have you taken in Udemy?
I started with The Complete Resume, LinkedIn & Get Your Dream Job Course! and then I moved into technical training courses in Drupal, React, and SQL.

Complete Resume LinkedIn Course Sign Up

Why did you enroll in these courses?
I was applying for loads of summer internship opportunities, but at some point I felt I needed to develop a better strategy. I didn’t want to simply send my resume out into the ether and cross my fingers that I’d get interviews. And, truthfully, when I made it to the technical interview portion of an interview cycle, I knew I needed to improve my responses to be competitive.
What did you accomplish by taking these courses?
The Complete Resume, LinkedIn & Get Your Dream Job Course! taught me how to create an incredible resume, optimize my LinkedIn profile and hone my networking skills and interview skills. The technical training courses in Drupal, React, and SQL gave me confidence in my knowledge base. I even mentioned that I was certified in these skills by Udemy in my cover letters and by taking advantage of the courses I was exceptionally prepared for my interviews. 

SQL Bootcamp Course Sign Up

What else can you share about your experience with Udemy?
Udemy has been a huge help when learning job-searching techniques, as well as specific technical skills that matter to prospective employers. Udemy definitely helped me land my summer internship as a Web Programmer.

Optimize your internship or job searching strategy by taking advantage of the Library’s Udemy learning platform.

Access to Udemy is available to permanent library card holders. You will need a Google, Microsoft, or Gale account to sign in to Udemy. To install the app on your device, choose the "Udemy for Business" app and then fill in when prompted.

Written by Robin on